Part 77: Paralogue 13: Rival Bands (Yarne)
Paralogue 13: Rival Bands
Paralogue 13 is Panne's mission, located in the southwest part of the 1st continent. To unlock it, Stahl will propose to Panne.

*From a distance*

Seal Time

The dragon-like is riding a dragon-like.
Nowi gains a lot of mobility in exchange for gaining Wind Tome and Bow weakness, two weapons that will become common in the later stages of the game. She also loses any benefits of terrain besides healing that she camps in so...basically she's not invincible anymore. Also starts at E rank axes and lances. Fun!

Yeah, right.

Maribelle gains a bunch of stats, mobility via horse, and E rank tomes. The tomes are more for self-defense if ever she gets in a tight spot, but she really shouldn't be anywhere near combat so the promotion's mostly for the mobility.

Olivia is back after a long hiatus, who's mostly here to turbo-level Brady as he's got a full pack of Rescue and Mend Staves. Nowi and Cherche have Hammers equipped for the map to help deal with the multiple Generals on this map, plus it's the strongest standard weapon that Nowi can wield.

The map as it is before we choose who to fight for. Yarne starts out as an enemy, so Chrom or Panne has to get into the middle of the battlefield to recruit him. His stats are decent, but nowhere near good enough to even scratch or survive a round of combat on this map.
Let's begin the mission.

We're going with "No."


Of course!

Come on, Chrom. There isn't that many

Oh. Oops.

Okay uh, first thing's first is to recruit Yarne into our party.

If Panne talks to Yarne

Robin zaps a General after that meeting.

Nowi moves ahead in the range of the Generals with a Hammer in hand. Yarne retreats behind her for safety.

Donny stands by himself against Dalen's army while some pair-ups are setup.

Brady Rescues Robin from the mob and gains a pretty good level.

Olivia dances for Robin so she can Rally Spectrum Nowi to end the turn.

Thank goodness for Arm Srolls because Nowi could barely do any damage without that D rank Hammer.

Nowi takes out another General, then a Dalen Paladin gets the first attempt at Donny's life.

Honestly? Donny can take on the entire right side by himself. He gains C rank Axes after all that.

Donny starts off the new turn by adding more stats.

Cynthia gets her justice going by doing a hit-and-run on a Bow Knight before Brady saves her.

Chrom flexes his sword arm and uppercuts a Valkyrie off her horse. Owain takes notes in the corner.

Gregor joins on the fun and boomerangs a Now Knight's head off. Olivia dances for Brady and gains every stat except luck.

A General and Swordmaster dare to challenge Morgan and his Justice of Cabal, only to meet death and zappyness.

Ooh nice, magic after a mini-drought.

Swordmaster falls against Owain and his resurrected Radiant Dawn.


Owain takes out a couple more enemies to gain

nothing. He gained nothing.

Gregor chips a couple enemies to gain everything but magic and resistance.

Chrom is handling fine on his own.

Chrom and Gregor, very busy turn.

Somewhat irritating is that each side has a bunch of Rally skills that activate at the end of the enemies' turn (The one pictured is Rally Defense which boosts defense by 4).

Astra is probably the most fun visually thanks to hilarious interactions with certain weapons.

Big sister always helping out. Wonder if she'll ever reach even D rank tomes.

Super Energetic Death From Above

Magic?! Come on.

Chrom wants that Rightful King badly.

Team Gregor retreats back for Chrom and Donny to Dalen's mob. Brady once again saves Cynthia.

You're really testing my patience with healer levels.

Chrom gets the first counterkill of the enemy phase.

It says something that Chrom has endgame stats for most of the previous Fire Emblem games, but we're barely halfway through the game at this point.

Brady, what have you been teaching Morgan?!

A race between Donny and Chrom on piling the bodies develops. I think Chrom is winning slightly.

A swing here, a dead horse there...

Cherche is damn strong.

Nowi's EXP gain is slightly stunted since she's only getting about 15 EXP per kill instead of 30 like Cherche.

A rare survival of Henry's Killer Attack.

I don't know if Ignis attacks the enemy or my screen more.

Brady gains C rank Staves after a Rescue, then gets a second wind and casts Ward on Cherche to better survive that Valkyrie nearby.

This village gives a Dracoshield.

The elder gives us a Hammer.

Henry makes up for the last mishap and finishes off the last mook on the map. Also gains B rank axes.

You are so lucky Nowi doesn't have time for your slow self.

This elder gives us a Beast Killer.

And the last village we visit gives us an Energy Drop.

That's annoying.

Dalton's cousin is equally lame, but at least his name's a tiny bit coolor.

Hmm, not quite.

There we go. Brady gains every stat except resistance this time.

Cynthia gains a level afterward.

And what a level it is, sort of. She learns Rally Speed, which gives +4 speed to allies in a 3-tile radius. Dalen also drops a Medium Bullion.

Cherche gets another shot at Gyral, this time powering through any attempt of Pavise.

Cherche tops off the victory with a good level and a Medium Bullion.

An Event Tile to end the mission.
If Dalen and Gyral fought each other

Chrom won the race.

Beating both armies gives us 10,000 gold.
If allied and at least one ally survived

(Later, Panne approaches Yarne)


Starting Class: Taguel
Weapon Ranks: None
-Even Rhythm
Tageul Support Bonus: +3 Str, +2 Skl, +3 Spd
Reclass options: Taguel, Thief, Barbarian, Cavalier, Myrmidon, Archer,
Base stats (Growths as Stahl's Child)
HP: 34 (105) Spd: 10 (56)
Str: 12 (66) Lck: 13 (50)
Mag: 1 (11) Def: 10 (60)
Skill: 9 (58) Res: 3 (16)
Yarne is flat-out one of the best physical characters in the game, especially as Stahl's son. His reclass options give him great access to damaging skills, while his growths make him a great attacker with good defense. But really, get him out of Taguel ASAP.
Official Bio: Panne's future son. Terrified that his race (i.e., himself) will go extinct, he has become a colossal coward -- but he might put himself out on a limb for a comrade's sake. The loudest talker.